Petrol Prices!!

BP has decided to be nice to us all and give us 98 octane petrol at the pumps. However what happened to 95/9? It's gone, that's what happened.

Across the BP petrol stations in Tauranga you now can't buy 95/6, at all. This of course is fine if you have a car that uses only 91, or diesel because you still don't have to pay a lot - well $2.18/L or $1.63/L respectively. Now 98 is $2.33/L! I know that the difference from $2.26/L for 95/6 to buying 98 is only 7c/L but that all adds up.

I filled my car up yesterday after learning there was nowhere else to get 95 and had to pay $116.23! Is this expense really necessary? Perhaps not, I could take the bus, or walk, but that doesn't cut it when you are taking someone who has a borken ankle anywhere, or driving to work an hour away.

What I would like to know is why BP has changed the pumps to only 98 with nothing to explain the reasons on their website...unless I just can't find it even after 30 mins searching the BP and BP Ultimate website. The only information I can find is on the poster at the station - saying we gave you what you asked for? Really? I don't recall any surveys or news itmes on the matter? Please tell me if I have missed something.

Now, don't get me wrong, I do not have a problem with higher octane fuel, after all I do own a WRX. However, I would prefer the choice of what I pay for at the pump: 95 to run when around town and 98 to run when out of town on long trips is my preference. It seems that BP has taken away our choices though. You either have 91 or 98 or diesel, depending on your car. So now what? Did BP really give us what we wanted? Or is it just a gimick to get more money out of us in these times. Would the people of New Zealand, let alone those of us struggling to make ends meet, or who are still living in broken houses in Christchurch, have wanted a compulsory 7c hike in prices right before Easter?
